[agora] agora head last post

Steve Daniels horde at stedaniels.co.uk
Mon Oct 25 10:14:30 PDT 2004

In forums.php it lists the forums and the last post in each. I am tying 
to implement this in threads.php. Instead of only listing the author of 
the thread I want it to display the last poster and last post date. So 
far I've edited the threads.php template to display the headers in the 

Using this:

$col_headers = array('message_subject' => _("Subject"), 'message_author' 
=> _("Posted By"), 'message_date' => _("Date"), 'last_message_subject' 
=>_("Last Post"), 'last_message_author' => _("Posted By"), 
'last_message_date' => _("Date"));

And in agora/templates/threads/threads.html I added this to get the 
relevant table headers:

     <td width="20%"<tag:col_headers.last_message_subject_class />>
       <b><tag:col_headers.last_message_subject /></b>
     </td><td width="15%"<tag:col_headers.last_message_author_class />>
       <b><tag:col_headers.last_message_author /></b>
     </td><td width="10%"<tag:col_headers.last_message_date_class />>
       <b><tag:col_headers.last_message_date /></b>

Now I just need in threads.php to get thse variables 
'last_message_subject' =>_("Last Post"), 'last_message_author' => 
_("Posted By"), 'last_message_date' => _("Date")

populated with the correct info.

I am currently scanning the source to see how to do this. But if anyone 
has already done this, or could give a view pointers I'd love the help.

Will try and provide this as a patch if it's wanted, when it's finished? 
Hopefully with a preference option to enable and disable its functionality.


Steve Daniels

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