[ansel] questions about gallery object

Heath S. Hendrickson heath at outerspaceconsultants.com
Wed Feb 18 19:10:00 PST 2004

How do I get the gallery name given a DataTreeObject_Gallery?  I thought 
it would be:


but this just returns the display name of the gallery, not the actual 
galleryId name.

Here's an example dump from print_r($gallery):

datatreeobject_gallery Object
    [data] => Array
            [thumbnail_width] => 150
            [thumbnail_height] => 150
            [image_width] => 800
            [image_height] => 600
            [default] => 427
            [default-type] => auto
            [num-images] => 38
            [perm] => Array
                    [guest] => 6
                    [default] => 6
                    [users] => Array
                            [heath] => 30


            [type] => 1
            [num_images] => 0
            [desc] => Thanksgiving spent at the residence of John Kendrick in Mineral Wells, Texas
            [name] => Thanksgiving 2003
            [owner] => heath

    [name] => Anna:AJH_Thanksgiving2003
    [order] => 

running $gallery->get('name') returns "Thanksgiving 2003" and not 
"Anna:AJH_Thanksgiving2003".  I had to resort to calling 
$ansel_shares->_datatree->getName($cid) to get the actual $galleryId value.

Am I missing something here?


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