[ansel] Re: Getting started

Ben Chavet ben at horde.org
Fri Mar 11 10:59:34 PST 2005

The VFS option allows you to bypass image.php to get the images by 
grabbing them directly from the VFS.  This results in faster retrieval, 
but bypasses the permissions system.

As far as the images not coming up...

  * Make sure the images are actually getting saved in the VFS.  If you have a
    file-based VFS, they will be in vfsroot/.horde/ansel/##/full, where vfsroot
    is your VFS root directory, and ## is the hash value generated by the image

  * If the images are actually being stored, then something is not working with
    your image conversion.  You either have to have imagemagick 
available on    the server, or have the gd extension compiled into php. 
  Which one ansel
    uses is determined by the "Image Manipulation" setting in the main horde

  * If you are using imagemagick, beware that there was one version a while
    ago that gave me problems...don't remember what version, though.  
The    latest available for gentoo works fine for me now, though.

Hope that helps.


PS.  I still have the message you sent directly to me in my inbox, 
sorry I never got around to answering you.

Quoting AJ <aj at mindcrash.com>:

> I am trying to get ansel going, and I have it configured, but it does 
> not save
> my images correctly.  I tried it with the setting for direct VFS on and off,
> and it's the same thing either way.   What does this setting do?
> After I upload the image, all I see is a little square, and not the image
> itself.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks.
> AJ
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