[ansel] debuging for my ansel problem

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Mar 29 22:43:07 UTC 2009

These issues should now be resolved by the following commit for FRAMEWORK_3:


Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Helmut Schiefer <Helmut at 4Schiefer.de>:
>> Hello all,
>> in the last hours I did a litle bit debuging for my amsel problem.
>> Short introduction:
>> I upload a photo and I didn't see any fotos in any galleries or
>> screens. I can download the photo to my desktop. If I click on the
>> gallery i get an error message in my horde.log called:
>> imageCreateFromString: Non-static method PEAR::raiseError()
>> Now the results of my test. The photos are stored in horde vfs. If I
>> do a query to the vfs I found only the original photo, no others.
>> If I click regenerate: thumbs and minis will regenerate and I can see
>> them in my browser and the error messages goes away. The problem: The
>> image screen isn't generate.
>> First question: Any Idea why the screen image isn't rebuild?
> Yes. There seems to be an issue with the following combination: Using
> the PHP GD library and PNG images in Ansel. The temporary work around
> is to either generate JPG images or, and this is my recommendation,
> don't use GD, use the convert utility by putting the path to your
> convert binary in the ansel config.
>> Second Question: Any Idea why the images aren't generate during the upload.
>> My ansel conf: conf image autogen = 25
>> conf image pretty thumbs is checked
> Not 100% sure, but this might be related to an issue with E_STRICT
> errors being raised by PHP in the gd library. Still tracking this one
> down.
>> last question: What is the best place to store more than 1000 photos
>> for a familiy server. In the database (blob) or file system?
> I personally use a file based VFS since I also serve the images
> directly out of the VFS - bypassing the need to feed them through PHP
> (this is the VFS-Direct option in ansel's config).
> Thanks,
> mike
> --
> The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
> mrubinsk at horde.org
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The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin

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