[ansel] column 46 does not exist

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 31 13:04:32 UTC 2009

Zitat von Rolf Deenen <rdeenen at home.nl>:

> Dear list,
> Today i downloaded and installed  
> "ansel-FRAMEWORK_3-2009-03-29.tar.gz"[1] . Installation went ok, but  
> I am unable to use Ansel. I've placed the files, ran the sql-script  
> on my database created a configuration and checked Ansel was enabled  
> in registry.php . Al was fine, however, when i click on the "photos"  
> link in my horde menu i get an error: "MDB2 Error: no such field".  
> The logfile of my PostgreSQL server says: "2009-03-29 17:15:22 CEST  
> ERROR:  column "46" does not exist". Unfortionatly it doesn't say  
> what table should have this column 46.
> What could be the problem?

Check the horde log file.

> Rolf Deenen
> PS I run horde groupware with Horde 3.2.1on a Debian 4.0 server  
> using apache and postresql.

As the installation docs mention, you need at least Horde 3.2.2.


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