[board] Docs

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Feb 29 09:04:42 UTC 2008

Zitat von Liam Hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu>:

>>> On the last board meeting some one mentioned that some university has
>>> additional Horde documentation but does not have the the resources to
>>> update/submit them. Is their any possibility to get in touch to  
>>> see how this
>>> docs look like.
>> http://cvs.horde.org/co.php?r=1.1&f=hordedoc%2Fworkfiles%2Fuser%2FUMICH.txt
> It is our (UMICH's) intention to update the docs for the new release, and
> to add docs for DIMP (and MIMP if we deploy MIMP).  We just don't maintain
> any docs in docbook, so our doc writers aren't really willing to learn it
> for this task.

That's understandable. Do you think you can persuade them using some  
other, easier markup instead, like reST, Textile, or Wiki? I  
personally prefer reST for technical documents.


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