[board] November 2008 Horde Board Meeting

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Mon Nov 3 16:56:35 UTC 2008

November 4th 2008.  If you live in the United States you may know it  
as "Election Day" but it is also the next monthly meeting of the Horde  
Board.  We will be meeting on irc.freenode.net in #horde-board at 11AM  
EST (4PM UTC) to discuss the following agenda items:

* Ohloh.net download service recap and further discussion
* SQL Share performance
* New IMAP driver
* Git migration progress
* Recap of discussions on dev@ mailing list regarding Framework  
libraries and how to move them into Git

This agenda will likely take the entire hour.  If anyone has any other  
pressing business please forward it to me as soon as possible for  
consideration but additional items will likely be held until our  
December meeting.

See you all tomorrow.

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks LLC
ben at alkaloid.net

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