[bugs] [Bug 937] Changed - LDAP schemas for horde and imp contain two duplicate OIDs

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs@bugs.horde.org
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 12:21:08 -0300


*** shadow/937	Sun Apr 28 12:18:43 2002
--- shadow/937.tmp.20095	Sun Apr 28 12:21:08 2002
*** 16,18 ****
--- 16,24 ----
  OIDs ending with .38 and .39 are duplicate in horde.schema and imp.schema, so
  OpenLDAP's slapd doesn't start when both are included in slapd.conf
+ ------- Additional Comments From sergeyli@pisem.net  04/28/02 12:21 -------
+ Forgot to add two things.
+ 1) May I suggest starting OIDs in imp.schema from 101? Then horde.schema would
+ use .1-.100, imp will use .101-.200, and others will use .301 and up.
+ 2) I'm using Horde 2.1 RC2