[bugs] [Bug 1022] Changed - Login fails on certain circumstances

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs@bugs.horde.org
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 02:13:40 -0300


*** shadow/1022	Tue Aug 20 06:12:25 2002
--- shadow/1022.tmp.29585	Wed Aug 21 02:13:40 2002
*** 37,39 ****
--- 37,43 ----
  same error. That is when I close Mozilla in between sessions.  
  Makes any sense?
+ ------- Additional Comments From chuck@horde.org  08/21/02 02:13 -------
+ no, it doesn't, unfortunately. i don't seem to see this, either. have you 
+ checked on the list, and made sure you're running latest CVS?