[bugs] [Bug 1050] Changed - No imap with php-4.2.3
Sat, 7 Sep 2002 20:26:06 -0300
*** shadow/1050 Sat Sep 7 19:58:09 2002
--- shadow/1050.tmp.25521 Sat Sep 7 20:26:05 2002
*** 35,37 ****
--- 35,48 ----
Well, you didn't say that. It's still not enough for a bug report, since we
could use some indication of what's going on - have you tried imap/notls instead
of imap? - but that makes it relevant...
+ ------- Additional Comments From mheerling+horde@netzwerk-aktiv.com 09/07/02 20:26 -------
+ Well, thx again for taking notice.
+ I'm using (a self compiled) imap-2002.RC2-1 w/o SSL and PHP w/o SSL.
+ I am forced to use "imap" and not "imap/notls" since login works only with
+ "imap" in servers.php. When using "imap/notls" I get following error in the
+ horde.log file:
+ Sep 08 01:09:00 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN xx.xx.xx.xx to
+ my.domain.com:143[imap/notls] as XXXXXXX [on line 270 of
+ "/usr/local/webmail/horde-2.1/imp-3.1/lib/IMP.php"]