[bugs] [Bug 1058] Changed - RedHat 7.3 Unable To Install horde-2.1 imp-3.1 CRITICAL

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs@bugs.horde.org
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 12:46:43 -0300


*** shadow/1058	Sat Sep 28 12:34:40 2002
--- shadow/1058.tmp.12215	Sat Sep 28 12:46:43 2002
*** 291,293 ****
--- 291,314 ----
  wanting to run Horde on Redhat 7.3 -- non-standard RPMS means possible
  not compatible with other important things)
+ ------- Additional Comments From arthur@nji.com  09/28/02 12:46 -------
+ ALSO IF I MODIFY imp/test.php by adding /notls AFTER the port number AS FOLLOWS:
+ if (!empty($server) && !empty($user) && !empty($passwd)) {
+     $mbname = '{' . $server . ':143/notls}INBOX';
+     echo 'server="', $server, '" user="', $user, '" mailbox="', 
+ $mbname, '"<br />';
+     $mbox = imap_open($mbname, $user, $passwd);
+     $minfo = imap_mailboxmsginfo($mbox);
+     echo 'INBOX has ', $minfo->Nmsgs, ' messages (' . $minfo->Unread, ' new ', 
+ $minfo->Recent, ' recent)';
+     imap_close($mbox);
+ } else {
+ THEN test.php works as intended with no extra options needed
+ THEN why does everyone instruct to add /nols to end of server name when that 
+ fails?