[Tickets #902] RESOLVED: Menu Fix

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Dec 2 09:49:51 PST 2004


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=902
 Ticket     | 902
 Updated By | lee at disinfo.com
 Summary    | Menu Fix
 Queue      | Horde Base
 Version    | 3.0-RC2
 State      | Resolved
 Priority   | 2. Medium
 Type       | Bug
 Owners     | Horde Developers
+Attachment | Picture 1.pdf

lee at disinfo.com (2004-12-02 09:49) wrote:

Of course in the end its up to you, but it seems to me like if we can
definitively improve the usability of imp/horde, even just slightly, with
just a few lines of code thats already written, why not do it? While my
coding abilities are passable, my area of expertise is much closer to UI
design as it relates to usability. In this case i really believe there is a
good reason that almost every desktop mail client (Mac Mail, Outlook etc..)
horizontally truncate the folder list with ellipses, as opposed letting it
run off to the right with horizontal scroll bars. When a user sees text cut
off, they get an implicit sense of something being broken. The ellipses say
"there is more to these names, and its not broken, but you have set the
frame set to something that needs to truncate teh text. Aesthetically,
maintaining a consistent spacial border improves overall look. If i had a
spare week, id spend the time writing truncation/ellipses code in javascript
that would extend this to mozilla as well as IE.

Anyway, thats my 2cents. I wont bring it up again, its up to you.

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