[Tickets #1307] NEW: Header line lengths

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Feb 3 22:52:06 PST 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1307
 Ticket     | 1307
 Created By | iwrtech at iwr.ru.ac.za
 Summary    | Header line lengths
 Queue      | IMP
 Version    | 3.2.6
 State      | Unconfirmed
 Priority   | 3. High
 Type       | Bug
 Owners     | 

iwrtech at iwr.ru.ac.za (2005-02-03 22:52) wrote:

One of my users is receiving mail from an IMP 3.2.6 system that our regular
mailer (Pegasus Mail via IMAP) cannot open.
The reason for this is that the To: line in the header is one long line of
4816 characters (as sent by IMP).  (I can send a screenshot of this
displayed in my own IMP installation, which displays it ok)

This is clearly in contravention of RFC 2822 that specifies line lengths and
how they should be split.
I'm surprised the thing even gets delivered, but it seems exim is somewhat
flexible about line lengths, whereas the Pegasus mail reader is not and is
not required to be, in terms of the RFC.

I've searched the archives and this has been mentioned before (Nov 2004).
I realize that V3.2.6 is now getting old, but the real issue to me is that
new versions must fix this bug, not specifically 3.2.6  (though I have 3.2.6
installed so it does concern me in that I want to be sure that any upgrade I
do actually fixes this issue).   Since the source of our problem email is a
remote site not under my control, there is little I can do about it except
email the postmaster, which I have already done with no result so far.

If you can assure me that IMP V4 has fixed this issue, I will be happy.


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