[Tickets #1486] NEW: No SQL insert queries (select working)

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Mar 3 20:43:45 PST 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1486
 Ticket             | 1486
 Created By         | lewiz at compsoc.man.ac.uk
 Summary            | No SQL insert queries (select working)
 Queue              | Nag
 Version            | 2.0
 State              | Unconfirmed
 Priority           | 3. High
 Type               | Bug
 Owners             | 

lewiz at compsoc.man.ac.uk (2005-03-03 20:43) wrote:

Not too sure about the subject.  The problem is simple -- when attempting to
create a tasklist I see the following in the log file:

# visit list page
Mar 04 04:39:09 HORDE [debug] [nag] Hook _horde_hook_share_init in
application horde not called. [on line 1409 of
Mar 04 04:39:09 HORDE [debug] [nag] SQL alarms list by lewiz: table =
nag_tasks; query = "SELECT * FROM nag_tasks WHERE task_owner = 'lewiz'
ANDtask_alarm > 0 AND (task_due - (task_alarm * 60) <= 1109911149) AND
task_due >= 1109911149" [on line 398 of

# nothing here

# list page reloaded with list creation success message
Mar 04 04:39:35 HORDE [debug] [nag] Hook _horde_hook_share_init in
application horde not called. [on line 1409 of
Mar 04 04:39:35 HORDE [debug] [nag] SQL alarms list by lewiz: table =
nag_tasks; query = "SELECT * FROM nag_tasks WHERE task_owner = 'lewiz'
ANDtask_alarm > 0 AND (task_due - (task_alarm * 60) <= 1109911175) AND
task_due >= 1109911175" [on line 398 of

As far as I can tell nag just seems to go through the motions but not
actually *do* anything as a result of the list creation, otherwise it is
hard to explain.

This problem also applies to kronolith.

I've achieved this by installing Horde 3.0.3 and Nag H3 2.0 Final from
scratch, along with creating a new MySQL database (to be sure it wasn't
something I'd done wrong).

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