[Tickets #1554] NEW: "Enter" (Login) Page

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Tue Mar 15 14:47:42 PST 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1554
 Ticket             | 1554
 Created By         | ibanezplayer85 at yahoo.com
 Summary            | "Enter" (Login) Page
 Queue              | Horde Project Systems
 State              | New
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Type               | Enhancement
 Owners             | 
+New Attachment     | horde.gif

ibanezplayer85 at yahoo.com (2005-03-15 14:47) wrote:

I love Horde, but the one thing that is a little annoying is the  "Enter" or
"Login" page that you guys have created. For instance, when I go to check my
e-mail, a prompt message pops up and asks for my login information. When I
press "OK" it should go directly to my mailbox, but instead it goes to a
screen that is 95% blank and shows a language selector along with a "Login"
button. I've attached a GIF picture so you can see what I mean. I have a
problem with this for two reasons: 1) I already set the default language in
the "Options" and 2) I already entered my login information and pressed
"OK"--This screen is pretty much pointless and a waste of time. It's an
obstacle that slows me down when I'm trying to get to my e-mail and can get
very annoying when I have to check my e-mail many times throughout the day.
I am begging and hoping that you guys can change this so that the browser is
directed straight to the mailbox instead of this page. It would make things
a whole lot easier. Thank you for reading my response. Please write me back
if you have the chance, I'd really appreciate it.

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