[Tickets #1683] RESOLVED: Patch to generate static user FB URL

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu May 19 11:16:09 PDT 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1683
 Ticket             | 1683
 Updated By         | kevin_myer at iu13.org
 Summary            | Patch to generate static user FB URL
 Queue              | Kronolith
 Version            | 2.0.2
 State              | Resolved
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Type               | Enhancement
 Owners             | Chuck Hagenbuch

kevin_myer at iu13.org (2005-05-19 11:16) wrote:

I had a discussion with my number #1 beta tester yesterday (my secretary :)
and we came up with two ideas.

1)  Its better not to assume a share exists (by virtue of defaulting to a
username if all else fails) than it is to return wrong FB info (assuming the
user really wanted a different share or set of shares to be used).

2)  Its better to return potentially wrong FB info, than it is to require
all users to set fb_cals in their Kronolith preferences so you don't have to
worry about falling through to nothing and getting FB Not Found.

The percentage of users who will delete their primary share, and have
multiple shares to choose from to generate FB info, but who would not set
fb_cals, is probably very small.  So our thinking is that #2 is the way to
go, which would be to default to their default_share and fall through to
their username.  And if there was an initial maintenance task in Horde,
fb_cal could be an item that was set during the first run (enhancement
logged in ticket 2001).

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