[Tickets #362] RESOLVED: Shared calendar toggle symbols confusing in menu
bugs at bugs.horde.org
Fri Jun 3 07:25:24 PDT 2005
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=362
Ticket | 362
Updated By | kevin_myer at iu13.org
Summary | Shared calendar toggle symbols confusing in menu
Queue | Horde Base
Version | HEAD
State | Resolved
Priority | 1. Low
Type | Enhancement
Owners | Chuck Hagenbuch
kevin_myer at iu13.org (2005-06-03 07:25) wrote:
Just to weigh in on this, after multiple users provided the same feedback:
First, I think this is a great improvement over the previous way of toggling
But what users want is the ability to:
1) Know which calendar(s) are being displayed, without having to drop down
the "Select calendars to display" menu.
2) Not have to flip-flop between a My Calendars screen for
checking/unchecking calendars, and the main calendar display screen.
Developers are underestimating how much people do not want to have to click
to another screen, or drop down a menu, or hover over an event to gain
information about who owns it.
Hence, the more information you display on one screen, the better. From a
user's perspective, ease of use is defined by this:
Can I look at a screen and tell what calendars are being displayed, and who
owns an event, without clicking a mouse? And with a single mouse click (not
a menu drop-down, then click) can I make calendars appear or disappear? If
I can't its hard to use.
Something that would meet these requirements would be to move the calendar
selection checkboxes from the My Calendars page on to the main calendar page
somewhere. This allows them to see which Calendars are displayed and it
allows them to toggle calendars on and off, without having to flip back and
forth between screens.
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