[Tickets #2231] Provide a way to show folders that are checked for mail

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Jul 6 17:40:38 PDT 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2231
 Ticket             | 2231
 Updated By         | kevin_myer at iu13.org
 Summary            | Provide a way to show folders that are checked for mail
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | HEAD
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Type               | Enhancement
 Owners             | 

kevin_myer at iu13.org (2005-07-06 17:40) wrote:

> No idea what you mean, I always get the message count for polled 
> folder in the folders navigator, even if they don't contain any 
> messages.

After closer review, I'm not sure either :(  I think I must be getting
delusional, because right there in the folder navigator is (0/368).  I know
this caused me problems somewhere in the past - the only place I can find
now that would have the behavior that I described is the left sidebar. 
Folders with new messages are bold and have a number.  Unpolled folders and
folders with no new messages appear the same.  I think that must be it -
there were folders I missed and I kept watching the sidebar because I knew
there should be new mail in some of the folders.  So maybe a way to show
that a folder is polled there in the sidebar?

> IMP doesn't go through the poll list and tries to look for messages, 
> but goes through all displayed folders and looks up if they should be 
> polled. So this not an issue, and in fact the wanted behaviour 
> because the folder might simply be unsubscribed at the moment.

But you can end up with dead entries in nav_poll.  I've got an interesting
mishmash of  folders leftover from old mail servers, test mail servers, test
Horde installs, etc. that have accumulated in nav_poll.  And the issue
remains that with lots of folders, I still don't have a succint way to
determine all the folders that are being polled.  The underlying issue there
is not for me but for my users.  Most users need some sort of logical
grouping of folders, to understand that "these folders are being checked for
new messages".  Its difficult for them to grasp the concept of IMAP
subscriptions, let alone know that if a folder has a (number/total) after it
in the Folder Navigator, it will show up bold in the sidebar and the mail
portal block summary, if there's new mail.  If instead you can toggle
something that says "Show me Folders to Check for New Mail", they can grasp
that easier..

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