[Tickets #2365] calendar / ics file incompatible with Outlook 2000
bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Sep 8 06:10:23 PDT 2005
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2365
Ticket | 2365
Updated By | huleboer at webcomputing.no
Summary | calendar / ics file incompatible with Outlook 2000
Queue | IMP
Version | 4.0.3-RC1
State | Assigned
Priority | 2. Medium
Type | Bug
Owners |
huleboer at webcomputing.no (2005-09-08 06:10) wrote:
I also have a custom hook that set's the e-mail adress for the users.
Preferably I would like to turn of the possiblity that users can change
they're e-mail adress. However if I do so I also get just @domain.com with
these mail messages. Even if IMP works fine and send out mail correctly. It
might be related to my custom hooks.. This should probably be a own ticket
but here I go:
if (!function_exists('_horde_hook_postauthenticate')) {
function _horde_hook_postauthenticate($userID, $credential, $realm)
$name = "$userID";
if (is_null($name)) {
$name = Auth::getAuth();
if (!empty($name)) {
$users_identities = &Identity::singleton('none',"$name");
$users_identity_default_from_addr =
if (empty($users_identity_default_from_addr)) {
// use your own algorithm here or at least cahnge te domain
name to the real value
$mail = "$name";
// store default identity changes
} else {
$mail = "$users_identity_default_from_addr";
// If no email address is found, then the login name will
// be used.
return (empty($mail) ? '' : $mail);
return '';
if (!function_exists('_prefs_hook_from_addr')) {
function _prefs_hook_from_addr($user = null)
$name = "$userID";
if (is_null($name)) {
$name = Auth::getAuth();
if (!empty($name)) {
$users_identities = &Identity::singleton('none',"$name");
$users_identity_default_from_addr =
if (empty($users_identity_default_from_addr)) {
// use your own algorithm here or at least cahnge te domain
name to the real value
$mail = "$name";
// store default identity changes
} else {
$mail = "$users_identity_default_from_addr";
// If no email address is found, then the login name will
// be used.
return (empty($mail) ? '' : $mail);
return '';
It looks to complicated for me to have made so I've probably found it
somewhere on the net or something (don't remember). Kronolith also needs the
e-mail adress inn horde to be set (and allowed to be changed :( ) or else it
won't send out notifications to ppl.
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