[Tickets #2422] IMP namespace support

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Sep 8 07:32:29 PDT 2005


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2422
 Ticket             | 2422
 Updated By         | vilius at lnk.lt
 Summary            | IMP namespace support
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | HEAD
 State              | Accepted
 Priority           | 3. High
 Type               | Bug
 Owners             | Michael Slusarz

vilius at lnk.lt (2005-09-08 07:32) wrote:

> Not sure what you mean by 'not converted'.  The actual preference 

When I send mail, I still get "could not create sent-mail folder: access
denied" error. Or when deleting - "could not create trash folder: access

> values stored in the prefs backend will not be touched.  Instead, IMP 
> automagically adds personal namespace information (if needed) when 
> retrieving and strips this information (if needed) when storing.  The 
> current code works for me in all the test cases I can figure out and 
> on two different configurations of the default namespace (a blank 
> namespace and the 'INBOX.' namespace) so if this is still not working 
> for you (or anyone else) you are going to have to start helping debug 
> since there is no more code that needs to be added, only bugfixing at 
> this point.

I'm not very familiar with IMAP_Tree and IMP_Tree code, so any help where I
can insert debug code is welcome.

> As to your second point - you need to read the rest of the thread.  
> This is the expected (and cleaner) behavior.  Short explanation: 
> namespaces are not something the end user should be concerned with.  
> Therefore, we should always show personal namespaces in the same 
> location (rather than showing these folders under INBOX on one server 
> and on the same level as INBOX on another).

This sounds little bit strange for me as advanced user. All general email
client programs (Outlook Express, The Bat, etc) show folders "my way". As
you said, namespaces are not something the end user should be concerned with
(in other words they don't care how folders will be shown exactly), but
advanced users always want to know exact structure of their folders and keep
it in mind during mailbox organization and maintenance.

By the way, what happens if I would create mail folder outside my personal
namespace? Will it be shown on the same level as INBOX?

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