[Tickets #2864] Add support for users to input their own gateway credentials
bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Oct 26 06:06:16 PDT 2005
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2864
Ticket | 2864
Updated By | horde at kentsworld.com
Summary | Add support for users to input their own gateway credentials
Queue | Swoosh
State | Feedback
Priority | 1. Low
Type | Enhancement
Owners |
horde at kentsworld.com (2005-10-26 06:06) wrote:
Fair point - I am not sure about the philosophy of what the horde set of
apps is supposed to be, I simply know what I use it for.
I have (well did on an old contract) a corporate installation where the
permissions thing mentioned about would've been quite sufficient, and, had
swoosh been a bit further along towards release, we would definitely have
used it.
I also have a 'personal' installation which is used by a few clients and
family and friends (about 50 reqular users). In the case of my personal
installation (once more when swoosh is a little further progressed), it'd be
great to simply tell people to go and sign up for an account (with
clickatell/other) and send SMS's willy nilly. As it stands, I am reluctant
to incur the costs of SMS's for 50 people.
Finally, with the current state of the application, SMSs will *always* come
from the one sender id (as mentioned in bug #2846). If I want the users to
be able to use Swoosh as an cheaper, effective and easy to use substitute
for sending messages from their phones, we need to have per user sender
id's. I can't see a way that this functionality would fit into the
permissions system.
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