[Tickets #3170] RESOLVED: Update to login.php to load preferred backend if it doesn't require authentication

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Sun Jan 1 22:19:31 PST 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3170
 Ticket             | 3170
 Updated By         | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org>
 Summary            | Update to login.php to load preferred backend if it doesn't require authentication
 Queue              | Gollem
 Version            | HEAD
-State              | New
+State              | Rejected
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Type               | Enhancement
 Owners             | Michael Slusarz

Michael Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org> (2006-01-01 22:19) wrote:

> The current gollem code loads the preferred backend only if it 
> doesn't require authentication *and* there is only one backend the 
> user has access to.

IMHO, this is the expected behavior.

> This patch loads the perferred backend if it doesn't require 
> authentication, regardless of how many backends the user has access 
> to.

The preferred backend only indicates which option should be selected on the
login screen.  'Preferred' does not mean which server should be
automatically logged into.  In the case of only 1 available backend, it
makes sense to autologin if no additional authentication is needed as there
is no need for the login screen.  However, once there are multiple backends
we shouldn't assume that the preferred backend is one the user wants to log
into.  In fact, most of the time the 'preferred' backend is a default
selection not even selectable by the user (i.e. the first entry in the
backends file).

Unless someone tells me I am wrong on my explanation, I am going to reject
this request.

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