[Tickets #3299] NEW: Have to submit autologin backend twice from login.php dropdown

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Jan 18 14:21:27 PST 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3299
 Ticket             | 3299
 Created By         | jpolansky at lsit.ucsb.edu
 Summary            | Have to submit autologin backend twice from login.php dropdown
 Queue              | Gollem
 Version            | 1.0.1
 State              | Unconfirmed
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Type               | Bug
 Owners             | 
+New Attachment     | gollem-h3-1.0.1-login_autologin_fix.patch

jpolansky at lsit.ucsb.edu (2006-01-18 14:21) wrote:

We are having issues with Gollem requiring the user to click the "Log in"
button even after submitting the page by selecting a backend from the
dropdown menu (having the page submitted via the "gollem_reload" javascript
function).  Our environment consists of 3 hordeauthed/autologin backends all
using FTP.

In previous versions of Gollem (~05/2004) the selected backend was loaded
immediately after being selected from the dropdown on login.php.  Now it
seems that the backend must be selected, the page must be reloaded (via the
"gollem_reload" javascript call), and then the "Log in" button must be
clicked.  I realize this might just be the way Gollem behaves now, but my
org prefers the previous behavior.  I was able to make backends which are
configured as hordeauthed/autologin login upon selection from the dropdown
by setting $autologin to the actual value of the selected backend in the
beginning of redirect.php.  I have attached a patch with the modified
variable assignment.

I'd appreciate any comments about a better way to deal with this issue. 
Also, if this is the intended behavior, a quick note about that would be
great as well.  Thanks.


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