[Tickets #2782] S/MIME Sign using browser capabilities

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Jul 27 03:18:57 PDT 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2782
 Ticket             | 2782
 Updated By         | mfernandez at gva.es
 Summary            | S/MIME Sign using browser capabilities
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | Horde Developers, Michael Slusarz

mfernandez at gva.es (2006-07-27 03:18) wrote:

First I'll try to configure the HEAD version I checked out and patched and
see that signing emails is working all right before I make any more

Then I'll tackle the serve side MIME composing, spliting actionID
'send_message' in two parts for separate reuse as we agreed, taking care
that current 'send_message' functionality is untainted.

Regarding wether detecting browser singing capability is possible, it is.
However, that's not the problem. All signing behaviour is enabled by the
IMP_SMIME_* constants, as expected. This constants are true only if you
configured IMP (openssl, https, etc) wich is linked to the current server
side signing strategy. So, though I can detect browser capability to sign,
if I did not configure the server side signing strategy (openssl, etc)
these IMP_SMIME_* constants will be false, excluding, for example, the
lines of code in 'send_message' that creates multiple MIMEs (one for each
recipient). The check box in the page will not show either. What is worse,
I do not know how many other lines of code will not execute if we do not
configure IMP for current signing strategy.
To sum it up, I can't make these two signing strategies independent. For
So, just for now, I will assume that, although I can detect browser
signing, IMP is configured for server side signing anyway, so IMP_SMIME_*
constants are true.

One shorter question. When signing an mail for multiple recipients,
multiple MIMEs are created. How will we store these multiple MIMEs in the
HTML form? We need all of them in the page for finally re-submit the form
and send the messages.

In the 'send_message' actionID these are stored in the array
$messagesToSend[], but if we split this code block in two, this array is
comgin from the re-submition of the form, after the browser has signed
each of them. How do we connect these two parts of the code block now?

I am so sorry this post is this lengthy. I won't post for 2 weeks so I
want to ask all questions that pop up.

Thanks for your patience.


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