[Tickets #4446] Language selection at login is "broken"

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Sep 27 08:19:01 PDT 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4446
 Ticket             | 4446
 Updated By         | qa at cpanel.net
 Summary            | Language selection at login is "broken"
 Queue              | Horde Base
 Version            | FRAMEWORK_3
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 
+New Attachment     | Archive.zip

qa at cpanel.net (2006-09-27 08:19) wrote:

Hopefully the following helps with clarity.

For this test I created a new user for the email system, one that has
never logged into Horde before. This gives a relatively clean working
environment. The Horde install is 3.1.3, the IMP install is 4.1.3; PHP
version 4.4.2. If needed I can provide a listing of locale -a output and
other details. For clarity a number of screen shots are provided, numbered
in the order of reference. Please see the attached file for the screen
shots. The browser used for this test is FireFox on Mac OS X. Now
to the test.

Screen Shot: step one
Depicted is the Horde/IMP Login screen. Here one can select a language and
log in. No language is actually selected at this point.

Screen shot: step two
Depicted is the same screen as shown in step one, after the user selects
Russian from the language drop down. Notice the page is localized, the
character set is correct. On this page, no matter the language selected,
the page is always localized and the proper character set is used.

Screen shot: step three
Depicted is the resulting IMP Interface after selecting Russian (as shown
in step two) and logging on the system. Notice the amalgam of English and
I'm not certain what else. This is the "gibberish" I referenced in the
original report.

Screen shot: step four
In the same login session as step three, the Global Options page displays
in English. No matter the language selected at the login page (steps one
and two), this page, and its sub-pages, always displays in English, unless
the user sets a language/charset preference in the Global Options -> Locale
and Time

Screen shot: step five
This follows after the user:
  1. Enters the Global Options -> Locale and Time page
  2. Selects a preferred language, in this case Russian
The page refreshes after saving the option. Notice the interface is now
nearly 100% localized (the display of the word "Information" in English
appears to be a deficiency of the Russian translation as other Languages
correctly show the word localized).

Screen shot: step six
After performing the actions in step five, the session is ended. At the
Login Page (depicted in step one) the language corresponding to the
language saved in the Global Options -> Locale and Time in step five is
selected and the user logs in. The interface is properly localized. No
problems as experienced in step three.

Screen shot: step seven
The prior sessions are ended. At the login screen (depicted in step one) a
different language is selected from the drop down, in this case Persian.
Please note that this is the same user as all previous steps, who has
Russian selected in Global Options -> Locale and Time. After login, with
Persian selected, the resulting interface is again "gibberish", some words
appearing in Cyrillic (Global Options, Help, Logout and others) while
others making *might* be Persian, but if so are not displaying properly
(Persian usually doesn't use the @ character, among other symbols, in
regular words).

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