[Tickets #4504] Re: Add silent automatic replacement for specified words.
bugs at bugs.horde.org
Fri Oct 20 22:34:58 PDT 2006
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4504
Ticket | 4504
Updated By | spam at kkpost.com
Summary | Add silent automatic replacement for specified words.
Queue | Horde Framework Packages
Version | HEAD
Type | Enhancement
State | Feedback
Priority | 1. Low
Owners |
spam at kkpost.com (2006-10-20 22:34) wrote:
> I don't think this is suitable for a web application. You either need
> to load the complete list into the browser or make an AJAX request
> after finishing each work, the first would kill the browser, the
> second the server.
Well, I cannot speak to the technical requirements, but this
suggestion/feature request was prompted by the current spell check
constantly suggesting "dint" as the proper replacement for "dont" (note
lack of apostraphe) which is highly annoying and of course lacking in the
logic department, and this of course, could be an admin setting, turned on
and off at the will of the admin to resolve load issues.
IMP would be great if not for the many deficiencies of the spell check (it
dosent even have a custom user dictonary, so it constantly tells me that my
last name (Kimmel) is mispelled) and there is no way to make it ignore
words it thinks are misspelled but are actually spelled correctly, which
is also annoying.
I suppose I can wait for Firefox 2.0 to come out and that will have built
in spell checking on all web forms and I am sure that extensions will
addreess any issues with that spell checking.
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