[Tickets #4555] ISO-8859-1 and mySQL issue - stripped characters

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Tue Oct 24 07:39:24 PDT 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4555
 Ticket             | 4555
 Created By         | thomas at conzignus.se
 Summary            | ISO-8859-1 and mySQL issue - stripped characters
 Queue              | Horde Framework Packages
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Unconfirmed
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

thomas at conzignus.se (2006-10-24 07:39) wrote:

I'm not sure this is a bug but I have a troublesome problem with the
charset in Horde when it comes to database queries - the rest works fine.

I've installed Horde with IMP, Turba, Passwd,Kronolith and Nag and I'm
using a MySQL 5.0 database server. Other system specifications are Gentoo
Linux 2.6.16, Apache 2.0, PHP 5.

Problem is that whenever some information including Swedish letters å, ä
or ö should be inserted in a table (like in Turba, Kronolith and Nag) not
only this special character is removed - ALL the text after the character
is too. So, if I add a task called "Smörgåsbord" the Nag will show me
this below the name column: "Sm".

I've upgraded to the last Gentoo stable version of the Horde framework
which is: 3.1.3. I've went through forums, search engines and I've never
seen someone have the exact same problem (however charset problems are
somewhat common everywhere).

PHP default_charset is iso-8859-1, MySQL database charset is iso-8859-1
and Horde SQL charset is iso-8859-1.

If help is available I'd be very thankful!

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