[Tickets #4702] Re: Attachment handling did not work in forwarded email

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Nov 29 17:23:03 PST 2006


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4702
 Ticket             | 4702
 Updated By         | jon at hosed.org
 Summary            | Attachment handling did not work in forwarded email
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | 4.1.3
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Not A Bug
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

jon at hosed.org (2006-11-29 17:23) wrote:

I don't know enough about MIME headers to agree or disagree with you. 
But....  two previous posters say that the message renders fine in IMP for
them.  So why is IMP "badly broken" for them, but functioning correctly for
me?  I would like to break my system in the same way.

Whether or not the behavior is technically correct, my userbase is going
to view it as "not correct" because it doesn't do what they want it to do.
 I can't roll out Horde to them and kill the old webmail system if the
users view it as broken, 
so their perception is what matters more to me than strict adherence to
RFCs.  Just something to consider - I fully realize that it's open source
and I'm free to learn PHP and modify the code myself if I really want
something done that way.

> There is nothing wrong with your c-client.  That message, or at least 
> the message/rfc822 part that contains the "Citizenship in 
> America.doc" text, is not a MIME message.  It does not contain a 
> MIME-Version header and therefore, must be rendered as text/plain.  
> This issue has come up multiple times and the answer remains the same 
> - we are rendering the message correctly.  Whichever mail readers 
> treat that as an MS word document (i.e. outlook) are badly broken.

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