[Tickets #4717] Re: In config/prefs.php, document all possible types

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Fri Dec 1 04:34:26 PST 2006


Ticket URL: https://dev.horde.org/horde/whups/ticket/?id=4717
 Ticket             | 4717
 Updated By         | Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
 Summary            | In config/prefs.php, document all possible types
 Queue              | Horde Base
 Version            | 3.1.2
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 
+New Attachment     | prefs.php.next.diff

Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de (2006-12-01 04:34) wrote:

Here is my proposed patch to amend the in-code documentation.

As usual, I have produced this patch with the "diff -c .." command, but
somehow the format differs from earlier patches I have made. I do not know
why this is so. I hope that you can use that patch, nevertheless.

As said before, I do not know how to fill in the missing details. I have
spent three hours testing, in order to fill the documentation gaps, but
there are still some questions unresolved. I have marked these points with
double question marks, in the attached patch.

I have not located the code where these configuration settings are
evaluated; all I have done is to collect evidence from the
config/prefs.php.dist, and imp/config/prefs.php.dist, files and to inspect
the HTML code generated for various option sub-menus. Thence, e. g., the
term "apparently", and the pertinent '??' mark. (I do not want to sell my
conjectures for steadfast truth.)

So, some knowledgeable person should check this proposal, mend my errors,
and remove the question marks (and the "apparently").

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