[Tickets #4832] Re: escaped "from" not being unescaped

bugs@bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Jan 11 22:36:05 PST 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4832
 Ticket             | 4832
 Updated By         | Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>
 Summary            | escaped "from" not being unescaped
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | Michael Slusarz

Michael Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> (2007-01-11 22:36) wrote:

> But currently:
> line 1
>> from line 2
> line 3
> Is being displayed as:
> line 1
>> from line 2
> line 3
> which isn't correct either. this should at least be displayed as
> line 1 >from line 2 line 3

no. the display is proper.  lines 1 and 3 are non-quoted lines, line 2 is
a quoted line.  Thus they need to appear on separate lines.

Let me use a different example to try to explain the problem better.  You
want to send the following message.

Long line blah from me.

In flowed format, assuming the line exceeds the limit for line length, it
will be
sent as follows:

Long line blahSP
from me.

On receipt, converting from fixed to flowed, the algorithim first checks
for quoted lines (there are none) then checks for space stuffed lines and
combines all consecutive space stuffed lines at the same level.  So we
correctly get the desired result.

With an MTA escaping the 'from', we have the following:

Long line blahSP
>from me

Again, doing the conversion (see RFC 3676 [4.1]) we check for quoted lines
- and "this test for quoted lines is done before any other tests (that is,
before checking for space-stuffed and flowed)".  Therefore we discover
that the line ">from me" is quoted at level 1 and we can't combine this
with the previous line since that line is at level 0.  And therein lies
the problem.  We can't regexp all "^>from" to 'from' either since ">from"
may very well be the beginning of a quoted line.

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