[Tickets #5213] problem rendering multipart messages from Apple Mail

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Apr 4 17:26:30 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5213
 Ticket             | 5213
 Created By         | robin.west at dal.ca
 Summary            | problem rendering multipart messages from Apple Mail
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | 4.0.3
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Unconfirmed
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

robin.west at dal.ca (2007-04-04 10:26) wrote:

Hi - I'm not sure if I would consider this a bug or not, but I'd like an
expert's opinion ... a user sent me a sample email from an Apple Mail
client, in which he had three lines of text, with a zip file attached
between each line. The message came from Apple Mail formatted like this:

-- multipart/alternative
---- text/plain (just the text lines with some control chars between
---- multipart/mixed
------ text/html
------ application/zip
------ text/html
------ application/zip
------ text/html

Now, I would consider this to be "incorrect" from a useability
perspective, since the zip files are inaccessible from the plain version
of the message. But regardless, WebMail does not seem to render it
properly - it only displays the last text/html part, and lists all the
other mixed parts (along with the text/plain part) as "alternative parts
for this section". 

So, leaving the weirdness of Apple Mail's formatting aside, is this a bug
in WebMail's MIME handling? I can attach the aforementioned sample email
if you want to see it.

I'm using IMP 4.0.3 (H3), which I know is one point release back, but my
understanding was that all the MIME handling was rewritten in 4.0. If
there have been further revisions to it since 4.0.3, let me know and I'll
just assume this is fixed in a newer release. :) Thanks.

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