[Tickets #5237] reply to and related buttons

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Apr 11 00:26:29 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5237
 Ticket             | 5237
 Created By         | john at s9co.com
 Summary            | reply to and related buttons
 Queue              | Horde Base
 Version            | 3.1.3
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | New
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

john at s9co.com (2007-04-10 17:26) wrote:

When I have two different webmail accounts open (different servers) but in
the same browser the reply to script (and other "new window" buttons) fail
because there is more than one instance calling the same script.

I suggest making the scripts unique to the instance of webmail/Horde that
is open so a new window opening knows which instance it pertains to
thereby avoiding the resulting "disabling reply to" entirely.

NOTE: "New Mail" in the left hand column works but not in the message view
or top menu and none of the other functions in line with reply to work when
these conditions are true.

I know how I'd do it, so I'm including that method here in case it helps
describe the issue better. This may address other issues I am unaware of.

If the server I log on to is webmail.ideally.com it would be a simple
matter to dynamically add "ideally" to the keywords used in the javascript
so that two instances result in unique javascript calls instead of both
calling the same variables thereby cancelling each other.

EXAMPLE: webmail.ideally.com opens one instance, webmail.futuristic.com
opens another.

In the scripts providing functionality there might be a var or function
call like:

var x = 1
function y

But since it is the same for both instances = ERROR

Dynamically generating the scripts would result in scripts with var and
functions of:

var x_ideally = 1
function y_ideally

var x_futuristic = 1
function y_futuristic

WARNING: This solution and estimation of the problem is sadly only a
cursory analysis. If this ISN'T why I can't reply to one message when
multiple instances of Horde is running I apologize and this should be
relegated to a BUG report.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

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