[Tickets #5286] Translations do not work
bugs at bugs.horde.org
bugs at bugs.horde.org
Sun Apr 22 12:13:01 UTC 2007
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5286
Ticket | 5286
Created By | thomas at tzis.net
Summary | Translations do not work
Queue | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
Type | Bug
State | Unconfirmed
Priority | 3. High
Owners |
thomas at tzis.net (2007-04-22 05:13) wrote:
The login screen shows me 30+ translations for Horde but noone works
except the default language (English). I can set the user's lanuage in the
options too but its not working.
This is what I have done:
I installed horde-webmail-1.0.1.tar.gz to my webserver root, run
./scripts/setup.php and everything went fine. I ran test.php with the
following output:
Horde Version
* Horde: 3.1.4
Horde Applications
* Horde: 3.1.4
* Imp: H3 (4.1.4) (run Imp tests)
* Ingo: H3 (1.1.3) (run Ingo tests)
* Kronolith: H3 (2.1.5)
* Mnemo: H3 (2.1.1)
* Nag: H3 (2.1.3)
* Turba: H3 (2.1.4) (run Turba tests)
PHP Version
* View phpinfo() screen
* View loaded extensions
* PHP Version: 4.3.10-19
* PHP Major Version: 4.3
* PHP Minor Version: 10
* PHP Subminor Version: 19
* PHP Version Classification: release
* You are running a supported version of PHP.
PHP Module Capabilities
* Ctype Support: Yes
* DOM XML Support: Yes
* FTP Support: Yes
* GD Support: Yes
* Gettext Support: Yes
* Iconv Support: Yes
* IMAP Support: Yes
* LDAP Support: Yes
* Mbstring Support: Yes
* Mcrypt Support: Yes
* MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
The fileinfo PECL module or the mime_magic PHP extension (see below)
will most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the built-in Horde
PHP magic code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install
PECL/PHP extensions.
* memcached Support (memcache): No
The memcache PECL module is needed only if you are using the
memcached SessionHandler. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to
install PECL/PHP extensions.
* MIME Magic Support (mime_magic): Yes
* MySQL Support: Yes
* OpenSSL Support: Yes
* PostgreSQL Support: No
* Session Support: Yes
* XML Support: Yes
* Zlib Support: Yes
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
* magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
* safe_mode disabled: Yes
* session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes
* session.auto_start disabled: Yes
* zlib.output_compression disabled: Yes
* zend_accelerator.compress_all disabled: Yes
* memory_limit disabled: No
If PHP's internal memory limit is turned on and if not set high
enough Horde will not be able to handle large data items (e.g. large mail
attachments in IMP). If possible, you should disable the PHP memory limit
by recompiling PHP without the "--enable-memory-limit" flag. If this is
not possible, then you should set the value of memory_limit in php.ini to
a sufficiently high value (Current value of memory_limit: 32M).
File Uploads
* file_uploads enabled: Yes
* upload_max_filesize: 2M
* post_max_size: 8M
Required Horde Configuration Files
* config/conf.php: Yes
* config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
* config/nls.php: Yes
* config/prefs.php: Yes
* config/registry.php: Yes
PHP Sessions
* Session counter: 5
* To unregister the session: click here
* PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):
* PEAR: Yes
* Recent PEAR: Yes
* Mail: Yes
* Mail_Mime: Yes
* Log: Yes
* DB: Yes
* Net_Socket: Yes
* Date: Yes
* Auth_SASL: Yes
* HTTP_Request: Yes
* File: Yes
* Net_SMTP: Yes
* Services_Weather: Yes
* Cache: Yes
* XML_Serializer: Yes
Any ideas?
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