[Tickets #5400] Request for progress bar on attachment download

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu May 24 20:25:15 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5400
 Ticket             | 5400
 Created By         | webadmin at ualberta.ca
 Summary            | Request for progress bar on attachment download
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | 4.1.4
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | New
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

webadmin at ualberta.ca (2007-05-24 13:25) wrote:

Currently when downloading large (10 MB+) attachments once the user has
clicked on the link the browser just sits there spinning for several
minutes, presumably transferring the attachment to the browser cache,
before getting a popup asking you where you want to save the attachment. 
The problem is that there's no progress indicatior.  In fact, there's no
notice whatsoever that something's actually happening.  Thus our users
have been erroneously assuming that there's a problem or something's
"stuck" and hit the stop button, never actually receiving the
attachment... and then promptly complaining to us.

What I'd like to see is at bare minimum there be a message of some sort
telling the user that the attachment is downloading (a time estimate would
be nice - especially for larger files).  Ideally a progress bar would
appear somewhere to let users know that something's actually happening. 
I'm not sure how feasible that is (it might be easier with Dimp) but it
would alleviate a LOT of grief from our help desk since that's one of the
more frequent complaints we get.

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