[Tickets #2565] Re: Gecko Bookmarks extension

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Fri May 25 01:56:45 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2565
 Ticket             | 2565
 Updated By         | joey at joeyhewitt.com
 Summary            | Gecko Bookmarks extension
 Queue              | Trean
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Owners             | 
+New Attachment     | json.php

joey at joeyhewitt.com (2007-05-24 18:56) wrote:

OK, I finally got some time to play.

I reproduced and fixed a Linux problem.  (Technically, it was on
Iceweasel, which is the GPL'ified version of Firefox.)  It was causing the
TreanMarks menu to have only the fixed items (none of the bookmarks.)  I'm
not sure if it was what others were seeing though.

I also switched to JSON.  I basically just made an interface to the RPC
calls I already wrote.  The change wasn't quite as "drop-in" simple as I
would have liked, but I've gotten rid of another layer of translation that
used to be there for XML-RPC.  I'm kind of hoping :-) that the MacOS bug
was caused by using XML-RPC, which was implemented by a built-in Firefox
XPCOM component.  Perhaps it was a little different than Windows on the
COM side...

I'm still not sure whether JSON is the best way to go, but I'm happy for
the moment because it cleaned up the code and may be more efficient.  At
the moment slightly more bytes go over the wires because XML-RPC was
gzip-compressed, but I don't know how to do that for my JSON code.  Anyone
know how to do it?

I'd also appreciate some assurance that I got JSON security right.  I
understand a comment or "while(1);" at the beginning is enough to stop
people from being able to XSS your data.

A few minor tweaks have been done, like adding the configuration menu

Enjoy.  Hopefully I can get to implementing some of the features I've
planned, while you're testing this.  I'm attaching a new XPI and a
json.php file to drop into horde/trean/  It requires my previous patch.

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