[Tickets #5644] Re: Filter Problems (body text test)

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Mon Aug 20 18:48:07 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5644
 Ticket             | 5644
 Updated By         | lists at usesonline.com
 Summary            | Filter Problems (body text test)
 Queue              | Ingo
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

lists at usesonline.com (2007-08-20 11:48) wrote:

Hey I'm just doing what I was asked to do in the forums! I don't know where
the problem is and I don't really want to make the 2 servers the same as
there are other problems on the server where the filters do work properly.
As far as it being groupware or not What we downloaded and installed was
the current horde groupware webmail edition. 

I really could use some help on this not a bunch of you don't know what
you have or what you are doing. Tis is not very helpful and if I knew
everything then I would never ask any questions. I spend hours doing
research on the problem before I ask in the forums or create bug tickets. I
really hope its not a bug but saying I am the problem just because you
don't want to help sucks!

> This is not the right queue because you are not even _using_ 
> groupware (webmail edition or no). And you've already established 
> that this is almost certainly not an Ingo problem because the same 
> Ingo version works on one machine and doesn't work on another.
> You need to try the same Horde versions on both machines and see if 
> that tells you anything, and you also need to see if the IMAP servers 
> are the same.

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