[Tickets #5749] Re: A restructured view system with tabs for nag

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Sat Sep 29 05:59:44 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://dev.horde.org/horde/whups/ticket/?id=5749
 Ticket             | 5749
 Updated By         | Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>
 Summary            | A restructured view system with tabs for nag
 Queue              | Nag
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de> (2007-09-28 22:59) wrote:

> Is there a specific reason you think that this is better? 

I had the impression that the code structure in Konolith/Turba was an
example of how the newer apps should be constructed. I guess I might have
been mistaken there :)

In any case the main reason for restructuring was that I locally patched
nag for recurrence support in the Kolab driver. For task recurrence I think
you need a dedicated "CompleteTask" view which would also allow to have
more options on tasks with subtasks (e.g. "Complete task including all
subtasks"). In addition I also wanted to add the quick deletion link so I
needed another deletion confirmation page. Adding two views that currently
don't exist was the reason for restructuring and looking at the UI parts of

> The tabs in 
> Krono/Turba were kind of a compromise to spiff things up a bit to 
> work with DIMP because there wasn't time to make the editing truly 
> inline. If we're going to spend time on this in Nag, I'd rather do 
> that.

Care to explaine "editing truly inline"? :) Maybe you can point out if
there is another app in Horde currently doing it in a way how it *should*
be done so that I can use that as a basis for restructuring.

Thanks for you comments!

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