[Tickets #5746] Re: patch to resolve sieve forward/keep ambiguity

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Fri Oct 5 15:43:33 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5746
 Ticket             | 5746
 Updated By         | tdrewry at bu.edu
 Summary            | patch to resolve sieve forward/keep ambiguity
 Queue              | Ingo
 Version            | FRAMEWORK_3
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Owners             | Jan Schneider

tdrewry at bu.edu (2007-10-05 08:43) wrote:

> Just to make sure I understand what you are trying to achieve with 
> this change:
> With keep, your patch enables all other filter rules to be applied 
> while this didn't happen without your patch?

Yes and no.  With the current implementation the behavior with keep was to
immediately copy the message to the users INBOX and then pass the message
to any remaining filters.  This would result in duplicates of the messages
being saved to folders as well as to the INBOX.

By moving the keep action to a separate rule at the end of the sieve list,
you are able to move the forward rule around so as to allow some or all of
your filters to be used (and possible stop the filtering) before the keep
action is executed.

The 'stop' action in the Forward Keep Action is just there for
completeness.  It  makes the sieve script behave reliably no matter what
version of the RFC is in use (i.e. it is slightly redundant).

> Without keep, what does the extra "stop" change, if "redirect" 
> already doesn't keep the message?

A redirect without stop redirects the mail and passes the message on to
any other filters until a stop action is found.  

The redirect directive disable the implicit keep in Sieve.  With the
implicit keep disabled, when a message reaches the end of the filter list
it is not "kept".  
However, if the message matched any filters after the redirect, then the
message is also delivered according to the rules of that message.  

The stop prevents further processing of the mail message after the
forward, thus preventing messages from collecting in folders when a user is
thinking that all of their mail is being redirected.

Let me know if you need examples or more explanation.  I can also site the
RFC if needed.

- Tobias

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