[Tickets #5814] Re: Monthly maintenance to include Trash folder

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Thu Oct 18 08:52:17 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5814
 Ticket             | 5814
 Updated By         | david.newcomb at bigsoft.co.uk
 Summary            | Monthly maintenance to include Trash folder
 Queue              | IMP
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Rejected
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Owners             | 

david.newcomb at bigsoft.co.uk (2007-10-18 01:52) wrote:

> Trash means trash.  Meaning "I don't want this message anymore".  
> Archiving trash makes no sense.  If you really want an archive of 
> your messages, either don't delete messages, move them to a save 
> message folder, or don't use a trash folder and hide deleted messages.

Using that logic Sent means sent. If you wanted to keep it why did you
send it ;)
But seriously, in the he-said-she-said business I work in, they say never
delete any email. The emails may have been dealt with which is why they are
not in the current saved folder.
There are a whole set of messages that you accumulate that you don't want
to file but you want to keep, otherwise you would have thousands of
Often a piece of information is irrelevant at the time and deleted, but is
required a month or two later.
The trash (or whatever folder you designate as keep-trash) folder would
get bigger and bigger to the point of having to rename it to keep-trash-01,
keep-trash-02, etc.
It makes more sense to just include it in the monthly maintenance; I
suppose it is about making the mail more manageable.

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