[Tickets #5874] Re: Mnemo2 locks up when encountering large notes

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Sat Nov 10 12:28:28 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5874
 Ticket             | 5874
 Updated By         | jwinius at umrk.to
 Summary            | Mnemo2 locks up when encountering  large notes
 Queue              | Mnemo
 Version            | 2.1.1
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Owners             | 

jwinius at umrk.to (2007-11-10 04:28) wrote:

> Can you please be a little more specific than "lock up"? Do you get PHP
errors (either in
> the generated page, or in your server logs? Do you get apache
segfaulting? Do you get
> javascript errors? Is the server unresponsive, or the browser? Etc...

Only mnemo (including the icon bar above) becomes unresponsive. This is
what the Horde3 log says when I start up mnemo (debug mode):

=== Begin Horde3 log ===

Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [] SQL Query by Prefs_sql::retrieve():
SELECT pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value FROM horde_prefs WHERE pref_uid =
? AND (pref_scope = ? OR pref_scope = 'horde') ORDER BY pref_scope [on line
137 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/Prefs/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] Hook _horde_hook_share_init in
application horde not called. [on line 1462 of
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getByAttributes(): SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM
horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id =
c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND (a1.attribute_name = ? AND
a1.attribute_key = ?)   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name,
c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id
[on line 1111 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getByAttributes(): SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM
horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id =
c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND
a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ?
AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value AS VARCHAR) ~ '^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN
(CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?) <> 0 ELSE FALSE END) OR
(a1.attribute_name = ? AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value AS VARCHAR) ~
'^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN (CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?) <> 0 ELSE
FALSE END) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value
AS VARCHAR) ~ '^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN (CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?)
<> 0 ELSE FALSE END))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name,
c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id
[on line 1111 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::_loadById(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents FROM
horde_datatree WHERE datatree_id IN (5) AND group_uid =
'horde.shares.mnemo' ORDER BY datatree_id [on line 342 of
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::_loadById(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_name,
datatree_parents, datatree_order FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_id IN
(?, ?) AND group_uid = ? ORDER BY datatree_id [on line 375 of
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getAttributes(): SELECT datatree_id, attribute_name AS name,
attribute_key AS "key", attribute_value AS value FROM
horde_datatree_attributes WHERE datatree_id IN (5) [on line 992 of
Nov 10 13:11:03 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] Mnemo_Driver_sql::retrieve(): SELECT
* FROM mnemo_memos WHERE memo_owner = ? [on line 344 of
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getByAttributes(): SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM
horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id =
c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND (a1.attribute_name = ? AND
a1.attribute_key = ?)   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name,
c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id
[on line 1111 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getByAttributes(): SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM
horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id =
c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND
a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ?
AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value AS VARCHAR) ~ '^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN
(CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?) <> 0 ELSE FALSE END) OR
(a1.attribute_name = ? AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value AS VARCHAR) ~
'^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN (CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?) <> 0 ELSE
FALSE END) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value
AS VARCHAR) ~ '^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN (CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?)
<> 0 ELSE FALSE END))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name,
c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id
[on line 1111 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getAttributes(): SELECT datatree_id, attribute_name AS name,
attribute_key AS "key", attribute_value AS value FROM
horde_datatree_attributes WHERE datatree_id IN (5) [on line 992 of
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::_buildParentIds(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents FROM
horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = ? AND group_uid = ? ORDER BY
datatree_id [on line 261 of
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::_load():
SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_parents, c.datatree_order
FROM horde_datatree c WHERE c.group_uid = 'horde.perms'  [on line 130 of
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getByAttributes(): SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM
horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id =
c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND (a1.attribute_name = ? AND
a1.attribute_key = ?)   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name,
c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id
[on line 1111 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getByAttributes(): SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM
horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id =
c.datatree_id WHERE c.group_uid = ? AND ((a1.attribute_name = ? AND
a1.attribute_value = ?) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND a1.attribute_key = ?
AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value AS VARCHAR) ~ '^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN
(CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?) <> 0 ELSE FALSE END) OR
(a1.attribute_name = ? AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value AS VARCHAR) ~
'^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN (CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?) <> 0 ELSE
FALSE END) OR (a1.attribute_name = ? AND CASE WHEN CAST(a1.attribute_value
AS VARCHAR) ~ '^-\?[0-9]+$' THEN (CAST(a1.attribute_value AS INTEGER) \& ?)
<> 0 ELSE FALSE END))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name,
c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id
[on line 1111 of "/usr/share/horde3/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]
Nov 10 13:11:04 HORDE [debug] [mnemo] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::getAttributes(): SELECT datatree_id, attribute_name AS name,
attribute_key AS "key", attribute_value AS value FROM
horde_datatree_attributes WHERE datatree_id IN (5) [on line 992 of

=== End Horde3 log ===

The apache2 log say a lot less (debug mode):

=== Begin Apache2 log ===

atheris.umrk.to - - [10/Nov/2007:13:17:53 +0100] "GET
/horde3/mnemo/?Horde=06118e37f6e6c0f6e81582eefafb19b7 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.8 (like Gecko)

=== End Apache2 log ===

Otherwise, I have not found any particular errors associated with this
problem. Although the Horde3 iconbar above becomes unresponsive, the
sidebar continues to work, so it is not a problem to switch to another
Horde3 application. The rest of the browser and all other open pages are
also totally unaffected.

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