[Tickets #5951] Re: wiki's do not display since php5-5.2.5 upgrade but are editable.

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Mon Dec 3 12:26:58 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5951
 Ticket             | 5951
 Updated By         | eculp at encontacto.net
 Summary            | wiki's do not display since php5-5.2.5 upgrade but are editable.
 Queue              | Wicked
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Owners             | 

eculp at encontacto.net (2007-12-03 04:26) wrote:

> I filed the following bug report in pear.php.net a few days ago after 
> Duck had confirmed that he had seen the same problem with php5-5.2.5 
> and had reverted his php.  I have no idea where the problem is but 
> since it could be anywhere from the php fix to pear to horde although 
> I tend to feel it is with pear but don't have enough reports to 
> really prove it since text_wiki does the rendering and editing seem 
> to work fine.
> The report at http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=12490&edit=2 follows
> wiki's do not display since php5-5.2.5 upgrade but are editable.
> Using the Horde Wicked WIKI with the pear modules
> Text_Wiki           1.2.0    stable
> Text_Wiki_Cowiki    0.0.2    alpha
> Text_Wiki_Creole    1.0.0    stable
> Text_Wiki_Mediawiki 0.1.0    alpha
> Text_Wiki_Tiki      0.0.1    alpha
> Seems to be related to: "Fixed htmlentities/htmlspecialchars not to
> accept partial multibyte sequences." in php5-5.2.5
> Thanks,
> ed
> Test script:
> ---------------
> see example at:
> http://intranet.encontacto.net/wicked/display.php?page=TestPage
> Shows blank but click on edit and you will see the text.

I just got the following answer from the pear ticket:

Guillaume Lecanu has confirmed that external rules are causing his
problem. Please check with either the maintainer of the rules or
application you are using, this does not appear to be a problem with
Text_Wiki. If you add a comment with the maintainer of the rules or
application I'll see if I can contact them as well.

The link is:


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