[Tickets #5956] Re: Global whitelist spamassassin accidental deletion via imp.

bugs at bugs.horde.org bugs at bugs.horde.org
Wed Dec 5 01:53:57 UTC 2007


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=5956
 Ticket             | 5956
 Updated By         | gimili17 at gmail.com
 Summary            | Global whitelist spamassassin accidental deletion via imp.
 Queue              | Sam
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Owners             | 

gimili17 at gmail.com (2007-12-04 17:53) wrote:

> Why was this in the IMP queue? 

Probably my mistake.  I am not an expert.  I figured it should go in Imp
or Sam.

And if you are really using Sam with 
> the spamd_sql driver, whitelists are stored one at a time in the db - 
> there is no threshhold that would push them over the limit.

I don't think a threshhold is the problem.  I think it has to do with the
global whitelist and the user's whitelist in the same field on the form and
the tick box for global.  I wondered if it something to do with mysql not
allowing duplicates for the user and for global.  

I just tried it again.  I added 3 global email addresses.  I went to imp
and whitelisted one more and now the 3 global ones are gone from the list
in sam.  If I hit save global again they are removed from the global
whitelist.  Maybe someone else could try this to see if they get the same
result.  Perhaps I am doing something wrong.  I use Microsoft Access with
tables linked to mysql to double check what is going on.  At a minimum it
seems like a very easy way to accidentally delete your global whitelist
without any warning.

> If you're using something with a prefs backend, like Ingo's IMAP 
> client-side filters, then it seems like you haven't set 
> $conf['prefs']['maxsize'] appropriately.

I don't think I am.  Do you mean by this that I have too many in the
whitelist?  I don't think this is an issue as I just tried it with 3 emails
and it did the same thing as with 30.  Thank you.

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