[Tickets #6068] Re: Malformed Remote Subscription URL

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Sun Jan 6 05:12:53 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=6068
 Ticket             | 6068
 Updated By         | tyler.parsons-horde at dynamicpulse.com
 Summary            | Malformed Remote Subscription URL
 Queue              | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
 Version            | 1.1-RC1
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Not A Bug
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          | 
 Patch              | 
 Owners             | 

tyler.parsons-horde at dynamicpulse.com (2008-01-06 00:12) wrote:

A little bit more Detail of what I see.

File: horde/kronolith/templates/calendars/calendars.inc
Line: 30

I extracted and then modified a piece of code I found within horde and
began playing with it within the PHP CLI:
echo (Horde::url($registry->get('webroot', 'horde'), true, -1) .
'/rpc.php/kronolith/" + share + ".ics"');
When executed within any application context it allways produces this
formated URL https://domainname.com/[Application
Context]//rpc.php/kronolith/" + share + ".ics".  This happens my webroot
within the horde array is set to either _detect_webroot() or ''.

When I populate the horde webroot with an actual value like '/' the
following string is displayed within all applications contexts
https://domainname.com//rpc.php/kronolith/" + share + ".ics"
Which is a good thing since "Application Context" now reflects the webroot
set for the horde array.  The only bad part is then it messes up all the
path'ing to the javascript / css and images and other things.

Not sure if I made myself clear with this description.  Has anyone been
able to reproduce this?  I think I may be missing something. 

> Yes I used the defaults for the applications['horde'] array:
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
>     'webroot' => _detect_webroot(),
> I also tried the following just to determine if the 
> _detect_webroot(); function was not working properly.
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
>     'webroot' => '';
> Both produced the same result.  Hope this helps.  Thanks!

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