[Tickets #6154] Re: First weekday is Sunday while Monday has been configured

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Sat Jan 26 21:07:18 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=6154
 Ticket             | 6154
 Updated By         | ml at radoeka.nl
 Summary            | First weekday is Sunday while Monday has been configured
 Queue              | Kronolith
 Version            | 2.2-RC1
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          | 
 Patch              | 
 Owners             | 

ml at radoeka.nl (2008-01-26 16:07) wrote:

> I can't reproduce this. You've selected Monday as the first day of 
> the week in your Kronolith preferences?

I have this in the settings:
# ldapsearch -x | grep -iE "^dn:|monday"
dn: cn=........
kronolithPrefs: week_start_monday:MA==
dn: cn=........
kronolithPrefs: week_start_monday:MA==

The setting can be reached via:
Horde sidebar -> Options -> Global Options -> Locale and Time ->
Which day would you like to be displayed as the first day of the week?

The message is to be found in:

324 // what day should be displayed as the first day of the week?
325 $_prefs['first_week_day'] = array(
326     'value' => '0',
327     'locked' => false,
328     'shared' => true,
329     'type' => 'enum',
330     'desc' => _("Which day would you like to be displayed as the first
day o    f the week?"),
331     'enum' => array('0' => _("Sunday"),
332                     '1' => _("Monday"))
333 );

Verify the data again with the  new information:
dn: cn=..............
kronolithPrefs: week_start_monday:MA==
hordePrefs: first_week_day:MQ==

dn: cn=......
kronolithPrefs: week_start_monday:MA==
hordePrefs: first_week_day:MQ==

Both have monday set as first day of the week.

I checked out from both logins and after login in again the setting is
the same, from that I assume it is saved correctly.

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