[Tickets #6177] Re: latest js/redbox.js doesn't work with IE 6

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Fri Feb 1 16:12:22 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=6177
 Ticket             | 6177
 Updated By         | Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>
 Summary            | latest js/redbox.js doesn't work with IE 6
 Queue              | Horde Base
 Version            | FRAMEWORK_3
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Milestone          | 
 Patch              | 
 Owners             | Michael Slusarz

Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> (2008-02-01 11:12)

Okay, well, my patch in this ticket is bogus, so ignore it.  I am seeing
the same error with that patch...  I'm not even sure the problem is
in redbox.js, that just seemed to be the most obvious thing that I
upgraded the day the problems started.

The problems started after the changes to */js/redbox.js, but I also
updated imp/lib/Crypt/SMIME.php, framework/DataTree/DataTree/sql.php, 
framework/Share/Share.php,framework/UI/UI/Pager.php, and
framework/UI/UI/Widget.php at the same time.

The problem only exists in IE 6.  It acts differently at times depending
on various things that are hard to pin down.  But it always registers as a
JS error in MS IE 6 whether the menus work or not.  It occurs on any of the
menu items at the top that have submenus (widgets with menus) such as
reply, forward, and headers.

I'm at a loss as to what is causing this really.  But it is very real.  It
happens on both my IE 6 machines, and to 3 of my users who use IE 6.
It does not happen to anyone who is using any browser other than IE 6.

If you need access to my horde install (via the web) just let me know
and I'll give you a login...

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