[Tickets #4577] Re: Move the Version column to be an attribute

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Tue Apr 1 22:10:58 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/4577
 Ticket             | 4577
 Updated By         | php at ideacode.com
 Summary            | Move the Version column to be an attribute
 Queue              | Whups
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Accepted
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          | 
 Patch              | 
 Owners             | 

php at ideacode.com (2008-04-01 18:10) wrote:

> Once full attribute support is done, Version can just be an attribute 
> instead of a special case.

Chuck, can you comment on "full attribute support": what will be included,
when will it be available, other tickets that relate to this support, etc?

This ticket seems to relate to one need we have, which is to have more
robust attributes: enum, multi-select, radio, etc.  Extrapolating from
this, and looking a little further down the road, we'd really like to see
Whups more strongly integrated with other key tools in Horde:
* nag -- so that tickets can be quantized
* wicked -- so that better formatting can be applied
* hermes -- so that better effort estimates may be tracked/computed
* agora -- so more creative & collaborative communication can occur

If there were a little more documentation on how to make framework
elements speak to each other, and if we knew where the Horde system was
moving as a whole, and if we knew the status of this particular request as
a whole, we could tackle these independently and provide patches.

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