[Tickets #5955] Re: DIMP preview not working

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon Apr 7 08:06:18 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/5955
 Ticket             | 5955
 Updated By         | lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com
 Summary            | DIMP preview not working
 Queue              | DIMP
 Version            | 1.0-RC1
 Type               | Bug
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 2. Medium
 Milestone          | 1.0
 Patch              |
 Owners             | Jan Schneider

lorenzetto.luca at gmail.com (2008-04-07 04:06) wrote:

I'm using DIMP RC4 and when i click on a message the preview seems to be
charged but then i can see only this:

To preview a message, select it from the list above. A right-click on the
messages will display available actions.
Click on a message while holding down the CTRL key to select multiple
messages. To select a range of messages, click the first message of the
range, navigate to the last message of the range, and then click on the
last message while holding down the SHIFT key.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available:
UP/DOWN Arrow keys: Move up/down through the message list.
PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN keys: Move one page up/down through the message list.
HOME/END keys: Move to the beginning/end of the message list.
DELETE key: Delete the currently selected message(s). SHIFT-DELETE will
delete the current message and move to the next message if a single message
is selected.
ENTER key: Open message(s) in a popup window.
CTRL-A: Select all messages in the current mailbox.

The message can be viewed opening the message in another window.

I've the same problem on Safari, Camino and Firefox

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