[Tickets #6587] Re: Integrate groupware PEAR-bundling into Horde base release tarballs

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Thu Apr 10 09:43:42 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6587
 Ticket             | 6587
 Updated By         | Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
 Summary            | Integrate groupware PEAR-bundling into Horde base
release tarballs
 Queue              | Horde Base
 Version            | HEAD
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | New
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          |
 Patch              |
 Owners             |

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> (2008-04-10 05:43) wrote:

> PEAR is already tricky for distributions, since you don't get the
> same thing installing distro packages vs. using the PEAR command.

True, though this is the distribution's problem, not our.

> And we've been burned multiple times by PEAR changes (DB.php quote(),
> etc.) when people upgrade. Distributing the supported package version
> with Horde could eliminate a lot of that.

I guess this has been discussed back and forth in many projects that use
PEAR packages. I sometimes get fed up with BC breaking stuff in PEAR too.
But the counter argument is, that PEAR packages are usually updated much
more frequently than Horde, so people won't get updates or even security

> Unless we offer bundles with every single app combination or at least
> base app package (chora/whups/etc., hermes/minerva/etc.), I think a
> lot of people will use the tarballs that don't need special
> flexibility. And if they want to use their own PEAR libs they can
> adjust the include_path accordingly.

If they have to install separate tarballs anyway, it doesn't add too much
work to install PEAR packages IMO. Especially since the PEAR installer has
much matured in the past. And I thought we would rather try to achieve more
modularity, not less.

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