[Tickets #6845] Re: Preview existing images when upload new one

bugs at horde.org bugs at horde.org
Mon Jun 9 07:45:33 UTC 2008


Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/6845
 Ticket             | 6845
 Updated By         | Duck <duck at obala.net>
 Summary            | Preview existing images when upload new one
 Queue              | Ansel
 Type               | Enhancement
 State              | Feedback
 Priority           | 1. Low
 Milestone          |
 Patch              |
 Owners             | Michael Rubinsky
+New Attachment     | upload.css

Duck <duck at obala.net> (2008-06-09 03:45) wrote:

> I like the idea, but a few issues/questions:
> You didn't include the CSS rules you used for the carousel, so I used
> the example from the author's web page, changed the class names to
> match what you used in the code and took some guesses...so, I'm not
> 100% sure how you intended this to look on the upload page.
> Hopefully, you have a patch for the css you used?  I'm not crazy
> about the text navigation links, but that's trivial to change.

See attachment.

> My real concern is that it took a _very_ long time for the pager to
> load, I suppose because it's loading _all_ the gallery's thumbnails,
> in the gallery's style,  onto the page.  This is not good...If we're
> going to do this, I would prefer some Ajax magic to load the images
> in groups (maybe the same number as defined in the prefs).  To
> compound the  problem, if you have just uploaded large numbers of
> images, the thumbnails are not yet generated, so we are not only
> loading all the thumbnails, we are possibly generating all of them as
> well.  At the very least, if we don't do the ajax calls, we should be
> forcing the plain thumbnails, or better yet, the mini
> thumbs...anything but the 'pretty' thumbnails.
> I'm wondering if this would be better as a horizontal scrolling
> carousel, with more than one image being visible at a
> time...something that the JS code your using doesn't seem capable of?

yes. I was looking for something like that too. But I was unable to find a
simple prototype script for this. Displaying the last 5 images by default
would be enough.

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