[Tickets #7233] Shared Calendars Disappear When Upgrading from 1.0.6 to 1.1.2
bugs at horde.org
bugs at horde.org
Sun Aug 24 17:36:45 UTC 2008
Ticket URL: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/7233
Ticket | 7233
Created By | jeremypennington at yahoo.com
Summary | Shared Calendars Disappear When Upgrading from 1.0.6
| to 1.1.2
Queue | Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
Version | 1.1.2
Type | Bug
State | Unconfirmed
Priority | 1. Low
Milestone |
Patch |
Owners |
jeremypennington at yahoo.com (2008-08-24 13:36) wrote:
After the upgrade all shared calendars have disappeared. I can still
see all the event details in the database so the events are not lost,
but no users can see the calendars (or events)
Below are the results of the setup script. Version 1.0.6 is the first
version of horde I have used.
Thanks for your help.
# php setup.php
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu
(0) Exit
(1) Configure database settings
(2) Create database or tables
(3) Configure administrator settings
(4) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version
Type your choice: 4
Specify the directory of the old Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
version that you would like to update: /var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old
Copying old configuration files...
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/kronolith/config/menu.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/kronolith/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/kronolith/config/keywords.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/kronolith/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/hooks.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/motd.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/mime_drivers.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/nls.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/registry.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/turba/config/menu.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/turba/config/attributes.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/turba/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/turba/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/turba/config/mime_drivers.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/turba/config/sources.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/mnemo/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/mnemo/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/ingo/config/fields.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/ingo/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/ingo/config/backends.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/ingo/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/nag/config/menu.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/nag/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/nag/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/menu.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/prefs.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/servers.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/conf.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/motd.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/mime_drivers.php ->
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde.old/imp/config/header.php ->
Patching configuration files...
Done creating configuration files.
Cannot find the location of your PHP CLI program. Please specify the full
path to your PHP CLI or hit Enter if PHP is in your path. [/usr/local/bin/php]
Database superuser for updating the tables if necessary for your
database system: %user%
Specify a password for the database user: %password%
Changing existing data after this point. Did you create backups of your old
data, and are you sure that you want to continue?
(y) Yes
(n) No
Type your choice: y
Running pre-update scripts...
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_firstname VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_lastname VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] UPDATE turba_objects SET object_lastname = object_name
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects DROP COLUMN object_name
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_middlenames
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_nameprefix VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_namesuffix VARCHAR(32)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_phototype VARCHAR(10)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_bday VARCHAR(10)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_homestreet VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] UPDATE turba_objects SET object_homestreet = object_homeaddress
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects DROP COLUMN object_homeaddress
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_homepob VARCHAR(10)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_homecity VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_homeprovince
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_homepostalcode
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_homecountry
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_workstreet VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] UPDATE turba_objects SET object_workstreet = object_workaddress
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects DROP COLUMN object_workaddress
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_workpob VARCHAR(10)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_workcity VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_workprovince
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_workpostalcode
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_workcountry
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_tz VARCHAR(32)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_geo VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_pager VARCHAR(25)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_role VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_logotype VARCHAR(10)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_category VARCHAR(80)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_url VARCHAR(255)
[ OK ] CREATE INDEX turba_email_idx ON turba_objects (object_email)
[ OK ] CREATE INDEX turba_firstname_idx ON turba_objects
[ OK ] CREATE INDEX turba_lastname_idx ON turba_objects (object_lastname)
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_photo BLOB
[ OK ] ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_logo BLOB
[ OK ] Contact name fields parsed.
[ OK ] Home address fields parsed.
[ OK ] Work address fields parsed.
Successfully flattened shared address books.
Storing task creators for userA ...
Storing task creators for userB ...
Storing task creators for userC ...
Storing task creators for userD ...
Storing task creators for userE ...
Storing task creators for userF ...
Storing task creators for userG ...
Storing task creators for userH ...
Storing task creators for userI ...
Storing task creators for userJ ...
Storing task creators for userK ...
Storing task creators for userL ...
Storing task creators for userM ...
Storing task creators for userN (user with shared calendars) ...
Storing task creators for userO ...
Notice: Undefined index: task_parent in
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde/nag/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 552
Notice: Undefined index: task_start in
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde/nag/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 558
Notice: Undefined index: task_estimate in
/var/apache2/htdocs/horde/nag/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 561
Storing task creators for userP ...
Storing task creators for userQ ...
** Creators successfully stored. ***
** Please manually apply NOT NULL constraint to 'task_creator' column. ***
Loading database module...
Updating database...
[ OK ] Successfully updated the global tables.
[ OK ] Successfully updated the tables for Mail (imp).
[ OK ] Successfully updated the tables for Filters (ingo).
[ OK ] Successfully updated the tables for Address Book (turba).
[ OK ] Successfully updated the tables for Calendar (kronolith).
[ OK ] Successfully updated the tables for Notes (mnemo).
[ OK ] Successfully updated the tables for Tasks (nag).
Done updating tables.
Running post-update scripts...
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 4
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 4
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 10
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 10
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 15
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 15
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 20
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 20
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 160
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 160
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 165
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 165
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 170
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 170
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 175
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 175
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 181
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 181
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 186
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 186
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 191
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 191
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 200
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 200
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 205
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 205
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 210
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 210
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 215
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 215
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 220
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 220
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 225
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 225
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 230
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 230
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 235
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 235
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 240
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 240
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 243
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 243
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 246
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 246
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 251
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 251
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 256
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 256
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 259
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 259
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 262
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 262
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 267
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 267
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 6
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 6
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 12
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 12
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 17
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 17
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 22
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 22
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 162
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 162
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 167
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 167
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 172
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 172
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 177
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 177
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 183
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 183
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 188
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 188
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 193
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 193
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 202
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 202
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 207
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 207
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 212
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 212
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 217
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 217
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 222
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 222
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 227
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 227
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 232
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 232
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 237
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 237
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 242
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 242
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 248
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 248
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 253
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 253
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 258
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 258
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 264
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 264
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 269
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 269
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 5
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 5
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 11
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 11
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 16
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 16
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 21
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 21
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 161
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 161
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 166
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 166
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 171
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 171
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 176
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 176
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 182
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 182
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 187
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 187
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 192
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 192
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 201
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 201
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 206
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 206
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 211
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 211
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 216
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 216
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 221
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 221
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 226
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 226
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 231
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 231
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 236
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 236
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 241
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 241
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 247
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 247
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 252
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 252
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 257
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 257
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 263
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 263
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 268
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 268
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 1
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 1
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 13
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 13
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 8
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 8
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 18
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 18
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 158
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 158
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 163
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 163
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 168
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 168
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 173
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 173
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 179
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 179
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 184
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 184
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 189
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 189
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 196
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 196
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 198
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 198
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 203
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 203
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 208
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 208
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 213
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 213
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 218
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 218
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 223
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 223
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 228
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 228
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 233
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 233
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 238
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 238
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 244
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 244
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 249
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 249
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 254
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 254
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 260
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 260
[ INFO ] Migrating share data for share_id: 265
[ INFO ] DELETING datatree data for share_id: 265
Done updating Horde Groupware Webmail Edition.
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu
(0) Exit
(1) Configure database settings
(2) Create database or tables
(3) Configure administrator settings
(4) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version
Type your choice: 0
Thank you for using Horde Groupware Webmail Edition!
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